17th Social Justice Film Festival 2023
28-30 April; Max Mueller Bhavan, Chennai
Curtain Raiser Screening
2 pm / 25th April / Department of Media Sciences, Anna University, Chennai
Entry free / We welcome you all!
Curated by Amudhan R.P.
Films :
Dir: Rizky Maulana; 36:40; Netherlands / Indonesia; Documentary
Toang is an intimate portrait of a rice paddy farmer (Edi Sutaryadi) and his family in Indramayu, Indonesia, who were in a precarious situation due to the cycle of indebtment and environmental degradation that the Green Revolution brought to Indonesia.
Dir: Mélanie Trugeon; 11:11; France; Documentary
Kubra is an Afghan performing artist and a refugee based in Paris. Her body is the medium she's chosen to search for her own history. Her connection to the world and to the body is transformed by her current situation but her art remains condemned. Is fighting the only way for Kubra to be in this world?
Missing Since 6.12.1956
Dir: Anand Pande; 19:58; India; Short film
As the largest democracy, India takes pride in its freedom fighters, social reformists and policymakers. Today, this pride is demonstrated in the form of "hero worship" by erecting statues; displaying photos and mass celebrating the birth and death anniversaries... ignoring the key messages and thoughts propagated by the leaders.
This short film begins with two teachers at a government school in a small village finding out that they must be ready overnight for a surprise inspection by the senior government official in the morning. But they are missing an important photo from the school office wall. The photo is of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar.
When the dust clears
Dir: Leo Kang, Sam Lam; 39:46; China; Documentary
War is like the dust raised by the wheels that crush the pavement. As the dust settles, the pavement reveals its indelible scars. The children born in the cracks in the pavement are growing up with the dangers of war, but they are still trying to grow up in their own way, and it seems that more people need to help them in this effort.
Cumbia's Day
Dir: Teo Belton; 17:25; Peru; Short film
Galvez Cumbia, a native Awajun from the Peruvian Amazon, travels in his memory to reconnect with the ways of existence of his culture. A candid journey that will make him cross the bridge of the Awajun imaginary.
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